Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Diagnosis and Progression of Psoriasis

This chronic (recurring and long lasting) skin condition can be the bane of most sufferers' existence. This is further exacerbated by the fact that still not much is known about what causes it and there is currently no psoriasis cure. There are however various treatments that can provide relief from the psoriasis symptoms which vary from medication, diet, light therapy, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.


It affects about 1 to 3 percent of the world's population making it one of the most common skin conditions. It is less common in Africa and Asia. In the US about 3 to 7 million are affected with the majority suffering mild forms of the condition and being able to successfully control the condition with topical medications, diet changes, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Psoriasis affects men and women equally of all ages although the majority begin showing symptoms between the ages of 15 and 35. Approximately 10 to 15% of patients develop the condition before the age of ten.


Simply put, psoriasis results from a multitude of skin cells that develop at the same time which leads to red patches of skin (due to the overactive blood supply) that are covered by silvery scales (plaques).

Unless the form of psoriasis is unusual, dermatologists usually diagnose the condition easily by;

·        Determining if there is a family history of the condition
·        Determining whether there is a pinkish rash in the cleft of the buttocks
·      Determining whether the nails (fingernails and toenails) show signs of pitting, are yellowish, are lifted off the nail beds or other nail changes
·        Determining whether there is the presence of sharp margins (borders) on skin patches.

If the doctor is still unsure, a skin biopsy may be performed or x-rays or blood tests


Since not much is understood by the disease, the progression of the condition is very unpredictable and it may affect small areas or large areas of the skin. The psoriasis may come and go especially if set off by triggers such as stress. It can also be more widespread.

The most common type of psoriasis affects the knees, scalp, elbows and the trunk of the body and features red, silvery, scaly, patches of skin which can vary from mild to severe and can be treated with topical creams and medications, prescription medications, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Some types of psoriasis that are severe may develop as a result of a bacterial infection such as strep throat which can lead to guttate psoriasis which causes drop-like lesions to develop and can be quite stubborn. Although treating the bacterial infection may work to also clear the lesions, often additional treatment is required.

Very rarely do psoriasis symptoms produce pus which can be fatal if this type of psoriasis develops.

In most cases of psoriasis, the condition will be recurring although treatment such as drugs, creams, diet changes, home remedies for psoriasis will certainly help to reduce or eliminate psoriasis symptoms. Only rarely will the condition go away spontaneously and not return for years. In most cases especially with conventional treatment methods, the sufferer has to prepare for a life long battle with this condition.

With conventional methods of treatment including medications, creams, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, the condition is bound to return in addition to suffering side effects especially from prescription medications, not to mention the financial cost. Unconventional methods of treatment have been shown to provide long term relief for psoriasis symptoms.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Do Not Underestimate the Power of Using Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Every person who is battling psoriasis knows that there isn't a cure for psoriasis or one treatment that will work in all cases which makes obtaining relief from psoriasis difficult but not impossible. In many cases, a lot of trial and error will be involved and a combination of various treatments. While searching for the right treatment that will work to reduce or eliminate psoriasis symptoms, it is important not to forget the power of using home remedies for psoriasis that in some cases may be even more effective than conventional treatments.

Advantages of Using Home Remedies for Psoriasis          

1. Puts You in Control

It is no surprise that many people struggle with psoriasis both physically and emotionally. Psoriasis can be frustrating and it is easier to simply throw your arms in the air and give up the fight. Part of this may be due to depending on someone else to provide a solution for you.

There is nothing wrong with getting assistance from someone like a doctor but at the end of the day, it is your disease and you have to deal with it. In addition a doctor may not have all the information and solutions for this disease and you will have to depend upon yourself to find what you need.

Taking control of this disease will be very empowering for you and it will allow you to research various ingredients that you can use to make home remedies for psoriasis and the trial and error required before you find what works. Home remedies for psoriasis will help you know what oils, spices, lotions , etc, work the best for you and you will be able to share your experiences with others struggling with this condition.

True victory not only comes with helping yourself but being able to help someone else and home remedies for psoriasis will help you do this.

2. More Money In Your Pocket

You bank account will thank you for being able to create various home remedies for psoriasis using ingredients available in your home. Medications (prescriptions and over the counter), doctor's visits, light therapy for psoriasis, experimental treatments, etc, all cost a great deal of money that you may or may not have. If you have insurance, dealing with your insurance company may also prove to be a headache and creating various remedies will help you to lessen the financial burdens.

Most of the ingredients used in home remedies for psoriasis cost a fraction of what various other treatment regimens cost. In addition, these ingredients are usually multi purpose and you can use them for other purposes in the house such as cooking.

With the extra money you will save, you can plan a vacation to de-stress which will benefit your psoriasis as well, use it for a down payment on a house, start a business, etc.

3. No side effects

Many medications or other conventional treatment regimens produce various side effects even when they provide some relief. Home remedies for psoriasis do not really produce any side effects unless you are allergic to a certain ingredient and you should know this before hand or with a test which will allow you to avoid the ingredient and look for an alternative which cannot be done with a medication that has been created.           

While psoriasis can be a struggle, choosing to feel powerless will keep you battling psoriasis symptoms constantly with no relief in sight. Taking control on the other hand will help you find solutions including home remedies for psoriasis. Finding natural cures is the way to go, so get the "Psoriasis Free For Life" resource shown on the right that has helped many suffers cure psoriasis at home.  What do you have to lose? Just years of pain and discomfort which is no small thing. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Battling Nail Psoriasis

About 50% of those suffering from psoriasis usually report also experiencing the effects of nail psoriasis. In a few cases, this may be the only type of psoriasis that a patient has. With nail psoriasis, fingernails are usually affected much more than toe nails and finding treatment can be tricky but there are many regimens that can be followed including using home remedies for nail psoriasis.

What Is Nail Psoriasis?

Before seeking to find treatment for nail psoriasis which could include home remedies for nail psoriasis, it is important to understand what this condition is and what the symptoms are. Psoriasis is a chronic condition that usually affects the skin causing thick, raised, itchy, areas of skin that are red and covered with silvery white scales. When it affects fingernails and toenails, some of the symptoms include the following;

1. A yellowish-brown discoloration is usually involved which can cover part or all of the nail and thereby change the natural nail color. This discoloration can also appear as spotting on the nail.

2. Pitting which is the most common sign of nail psoriasis represents dents or depressions in the nail that are shallow and are usually less than 1 millimeter in diameter. They commonly look like pin holes and can affect part or the entire nail.

3. Onycholysis which occurs when the entire nail is lifted away from the nail bed. It can occur gradually from the edge or end of the nail until the entire nail is covered and lifted away. Nail psoriasis does not usually lead to permanent loss of the nail. The nail will usually grow back within a year (fingernail) or two (toenail).

4. Hyperkeratosis which represents the thickening of the nail plate.

5. Deformation of the nail can also be a symptom of nail psoriasis.

In addition to the above symptoms, a nail psoriasis sufferer may also experience fungal infection of the fingernails and/or toenails in addition to nail psoriasis which can cause the nails to thicken which can sometimes cause confusion is the diagnosis of nail psoriasis. Fungal infections if left untreated can make nail psoriasis worse.  Bacterial infections can also affect nails afflicted with nail psoriasis.

Other changes that may be witnessed with this condition include grooving of the nail, roughness of the nail as well as depressions in the nail which can all lead to the loss of the nail.


Nail psoriasis is one of the types of psoriasis which is difficult to treat since most treatments used to treat the skin may not be suitable to treat the affected nails although there are certainly many home remedies for nail psoriasis that can also be used alone or in combination with another treatment. Treatment also usually covers a prolonged period of time before benefits are noticed in the nail.

Topical treatments are usually ineffective for nail psoriasis. Oral medications or those administered with an injection can improve nail psoriasis. However, if a patient only suffers from nail psoriasis, oral medication or injections may not be wise because of the related risks which outweigh the benefits of the treatment.

Oral medications and injections will usually be prescribed when other areas of the body are also affected with the nail being a secondary beneficiary if this treatment works to clear other areas of the body.

While it can be difficult to treat nail psoriasis, there are treatments including home remedies for nail psoriasis that can work. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

How To Ensure That You Do Not Confuse Psoriasis With Eczema

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition with no cure at the present time although there are many treatment methods including home remedies for psoriasis that have been found to work effectively at controlling the disease. While psoriasis is usually very simple to diagnose by a doctor, it can still be confused with other skin conditions with the main one being eczema.

In order to understand the differences between the diseases which will help in determining the proper treatment regimen that may include drugs, ointments, following a proper diet, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, it is important to understand these two skin conditions.

What is Eczema?

Eczema which is sometimes called dermatisis which is the catchall term for many skin conditions arising from the inflammation of the skin including eczema. Eczema is usually characterized by blisters on the skin in severe cases of the condition. There will also be oozing, redness, crusts/scabs, fluid in the tissue, and itching or burning. The areas most affected are those where creasing of the skin occurs such as the back of the knee or the top of the elbow.

There are also many different types of eczema just like with psoriasis with one of the most common types being known as atopic dermatisis which results from an allergic reaction and there is usually a family history of hay fever or asthma.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis results from rapid skin turnover in a sufferer. In normal skin, skin turnover (when new skin pushes away the top layer of skin leading to dead skin that is sloughed away) usually occurs every 30 to 35 days and is usually unnoticeable. With psoriasis, this turnover takes place much quicker in bout four to five days leading to dead skin piling up on top of skin which is very noticeable.

Psoriasis is usually evidenced by thick red eruptions that are usually covered with white, silvery white or gray oval shaped scales over small or large areas of the body. These areas can itch or burn. It affects up to 2% of the population and usually shows up between the ages of 15 and 30. This condition is not contagious.

Commonly affected areas include the lower back, knees, knuckles, elbows and the scalp. Other areas of the body that can be affected by psoriasis include the fingernails and toenails when pitting, brown discoloration, cracking and lifting of the nail will be evidenced. While these are common areas affected, psoriasis can affect any body part including genitals, joints, etc. While there is no psoriasis cure, many treatments including home remedies for psoriasis can work to keep the condition at bay.

Differences between Psoriasis and Eczema

  1. Psoriasis usually features dry thick scales over the affected area whereas eczema is often oozing and wet.
  2. Eczema usually includes cracks in the skin.
  3. Eczema in most cases especially atopic dermatisis mentioned above usually begins before the age of two while most cases of psoriasis first appear in adulthood.
  4. Although both conditions can feature itchy lesions, eczema is usually very itchy while the itching associated with psoriasis is usually mild to none at all although some psoriasis lesions can be very itchy.
  5. Eczema does not feature the silvery white scales on top of lesions as evidenced with most cases of psoriasis.
  6. Eczema sufferers do not usually show any changes in their fingernails or toenails as found with many cases of psoriasis.
  7. With plaque psoriasis which is the most common type of psoriasis, there will be a clear border between affected skin and healthy skin. This border between healthy and unhealthy skin is not usually present when eczema first makes its presence known.
  8. History of asthma or hay fever is usually common with certain types of eczema such as atopic dermatisis while this type of family history is not present with psoriasis.

Other skin conditions that may be mistaken for psoriasis include fungal infections (ringworm) as well as candidiasis (yeast infection) that may be found around the genitalia as well as underneath the breasts.

As mentioned previously, a doctor will be able to easily determine what skin condition you are suffering from in order for the proper treatment to commence, including drugs, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Psoriasis Diagnosis

This is usually done by the doctor first analyzing your skin, your scalp as well as your nails for any signs of psoriasis. A biopsy, blood tests as well as x-rays can also be used to diagnose psoriasis and then start a treatment regimen that may include home remedies for psoriasis.

The first step in overcoming this chronic skin disease is to receive a proper diagnosis and this can be easily done by your doctor. This awareness will make it much easier to find the proper treatment. Even though there isn't a psoriasis cure and while one treatment can work for one sufferer but not for another, there are still many treatment options including home remedies for psoriasis that can work.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tips on Effectively Handling Psoriasis In Children

While psoriasis usually begins in adulthood, some cases of psoriasis begin in childhood and while the disease is hard enough to deal with in adulthood, it can be very challenging to deal with for the child with psoriasis as well as for the parent and other family members. While most parents often wish that they could remove this burden from their child and put it upon themselves, it is important to move from wishful thinking to effective strategies for managing this chronic disease which may include using home remedies for psoriasis, topical treatments, light therapy for psoriasis, etc.

Psoriasis can begin at any time in childhood but usually reveals itself during the school age years which can make it even more challenging for the child having to deal with the disease as well as cruel kids. The severity of the condition will also vary from a few scaly spots to more severe and persistent forms of psoriasis. Effectively managing the disease starts with the parent and child becoming informed about this disease as well as the various treatment options that might work. Ignorance is not bliss.

Commonly Affected Areas

As with adults, the areas most affected by psoriasis in children include the scalp, knees, elbows, ears, nails, genitalia and the creases of the buttocks. Psoriasis affecting the joints (psoriasis arthritis) is very rare in children. In babies, the psoriasis lesions usually start in the diaper area and can spread to other areas of the body.

Identifying Psoriasis in Children

Psoriasis in children usually begins as raised or flat small, red areas on the body that feature thick silvery/gray scales with a clear boundary separating affected skin from unaffected skin.  These silvery/gray scales or plaques are common with plaque psoriasis which is the most common type of psoriasis in adults as well as in children.

After plaque psoriasis, the other common type of psoriasis in children is guttate psoriasis which features many tear drop shaped small scaling psoriasis lesions that are raised that usually begin after a cold or strep throat.

Scalp psoriasis is also very common in children and can be embarrassing for both adults and children as it will look like a severe case of dandruff from the severe shedding associated with this type of psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis can be along the hairline, behind the ears or cover the entire scalp.

Treating Psoriasis in Children

There are many home remedies for psoriasis that can help with dealing with psoriasis in children. Itching which is a common symptom of psoriasis can aggravate psoriasis when the area is rubbed or scratched and when children are involved, they will simply want to scratch the itch without thinking of the consequences. Scratching is something that must be deterred and some home remedies to deal with this include;

a. using gloves to cover the child's hands to prevent scratching as well as keeping the nails very short.

b. not letting the skin dry out though the use of moisturizers especially after a bath which is one of the best and simplest homeremedies for psoriasis.

c. Soothing the itching areas with a bath filled with some oatmeal, oil or tar.

d. Not using hot or cold water when bathing and instead using lukewarm water. Apply a moisturizer soon after when the skin is still slightly damp to lock in moisture.

Besides the home remedies discussed above, psoriasis in children can also be treated with light therapy for psoriasis (phototherapy) but only if topical treatments do not work. Topical steroids can be used in children but only for short periods of time under the guidance of the doctor. Creams and ointments are also other topical medications that can be used in children.

Prescription medications taken orally (systematic treatment) are only used in very few cases in children when the psoriasis is very severe. Common medications commonly used in these few cases include methotrexate and cyclosporine.

There are many other treatment options that can be used to help your child manage psoriasis besides home remedies and the other tips mentioned above. There is no cure for psoriasis but it can be effectively managed even in children so that they can lead full and productive lives unencumbered by this chronic condition.

While finding a treatment that works to manage this chronic skin condition can be very challenging because there currently does not exist a psoriasis cure, it is important not to lose hope. There are many treatments such as home remedies for psoriasis, light therapy for psoriasis, medication, etc, that have worked for many sufferers. More and more people are also turning to nature to treat various conditions and one of the most effective natural treatments for psoriasis resource is shown on the right. Give it a try. What do you have to lose? It just may work for you at eliminating your child's psoriasis.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Factors to Consider To Help You Take Control Of Your Psoriasis

Having to deal with psoriasis depending on the severity can be quite challenging and in many cases, self esteem can suffer. Psoriasis is even more challenging because there isn't a psoriasis cure and doctors are still not 100% sure about what causes the disease. Although there isn't currently a psoriasis cure, there are many treatments including home remedies for psoriasis that can provide some relief. But in order to contain psoriasis, facing this challenge starts with the sufferer.

Your Attitude

Since there isn't a psoriasis cure, finding the right treatment for you will take some time and will require patience, persistence and a positive state of mind. It cannot be explained but having a positive attitude with this chronic skin condition or any other illness will help you build up your immune system, help you heal faster and help you face this diagnosis with the right perspective.

Negative thoughts on the other hand will slow down the healing process and lead to unnecessary stress relating to this condition. Stress can leave the body defenseless and increase your chances of developing the symptoms of psoriasis that will be very slow to disappear.

A positive attitude will keep you on the search for an effective treatment that will work for you whether it is using medication, light therapy for psoriasis, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, and you will be more than likely rewarded for your efforts. You need to first accept that you have a disease that cannot be cured (at least at the present time) but whether you lead a full and productive life depends on you. Never lose hope that a cure will be discovered.

Educate Yourself

Dealing with an incurable disease can leave many feeling powerless and lead to many negative emotions that may be detrimental to the healing process. One way to combat powerlessness is to learn everything there is to learn about this condition which will help you make better decisions about your condition. This will also keep you abreast of any new developments in the search for a cure for psoriasis as well as alternative treatment methods including home remedies for psoriasis.

Ask your doctor or other health care professional about where to look for good sources of information on this disease. The internet is also a great place to conduct a search for new information and perspectives on psoriasis. Joining a support group is also a great way of finding out treatment methods you may have not considered or known about including home remedies for psoriasis. A support group will also help you maintain the right attitude as you and others share your struggles and triumphs.

Take Control Of Your Health

Taking control of this disease will require you to look at areas in your life that you can change which will improve your chances of finding an effective treatment. One of the areas that you have control over is your health. Make sure that you exercise frequently and consider diet changes. Ensure that you get adequate rest and avoid activities that will be detrimental to your health such as smoking and drinking.

Give Treatment a Fair Chance

You may have to try various drugs, therapies as well as home remedies for psoriasis, to find the most effective treatment. You will need to be patient and follow instructions to the letter. It may take a while to determine whether the treatment prescribed will work for you so be patient and stick with it for a reasonable time unless you experience an adverse reaction.

Sometimes following a certain therapy may be complicated and become tedious and frustrating for you but do persist. Get your friends or family to help you with some of the steps or simply be there for you for moral support.

We all have something or other to deal with in life and psoriasis just happens to be what you have to deal with. The difference between managing this condition and keeping it under control or feeling powerless, negative and no closer to overcoming this disease lies with you. You may think that it depends on doctors or researchers but it is a mistake to think this way.

What you may discover through your own efforts such as effective home remedies for psoriasis may even work better for you that anything any doctor may prescribe.